Ideas to Lighten Our Load
Some weeks we carry something too heavy: our emotions. Fear, worry, doubt, sadness. Emotions can be our mountains. Let's ask our God to climb our mountains with us.
Unhelpful thoughts are also heavy. But thoughts aren't facts. Have you noticed that when we don't fight them or coddle them they evaporate? Soon we're thinking about something else. That's how we're made. What a blessing.
We can rejoice that each day begins anew. A fresh dawn, another glorious chance not just for the birds but for us as well. We have survived the night. Each morning is a birth day and for those we give thanks. When I open my eyes I give thanks for the daylight, the life out my windows, the person by my side. And so much more. Parse it out. What can you be grateful for as the sun rises?
Another help is acceptance. Our strengths and our joys easily, but also our losses and griefs . . . . I have troubles; so do we all. I am grieving; but perhaps you are too. Or, my day is going well; yours too? Life is so much easier when we accept the whole human condition. We can fashion our prayer, "Lord help me accept this." Or, "Be with me now."
Some goals can't be reached, for whatever reason. Often we can change the goal. I changed my work goals often. My family goals too. And when we can't change the situation, we can change ourselves. The question is, "From this, what may I ask?" You never go backwards. Even setbacks move you forward.
Forgive yourself for what you did not know before now. This is important, isn't it? How many parents don't need to hear this?
It's good to name our strengths and tell others theirs: "You are brave. You are strong. You are kind." To myself: "I am brave. I am strong. I try every day to listen and be kind, to myself and to others." "We are both enough." If you're alone, just repeat, "Nothing is missing. I am already whole."
Mindfulness focuses on the acceptance of an experience. Compassion focuses on caring for the person having the experience. Self-compassion is a shadow of God's comforting mercy. Self-compassion says, "Be kind to yourself when you suffer." This is a lesson well-learned.
Uncertainty is fine but let it not be about God. "In God We Trust" is more than just the national motto on our coinage. Some of the things in each of our lives defy a moment's peace, a second's happiness. Yet joy abounds. The joy we thought would never fill our hearts again is the peace that passes all understanding. Who can explain it? Always a surprise when we take the time to notice. A gift from God alone. The One in whom we may trust.
Who am I to give advice, as it were? Only a child of God. That's all we need to be.
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