Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Dear Lord, 

You have given us another summer to remember.  You have given us warmth and rain and high seas.  The summer moon, the long days and late evenings.  You have sustained us again for another season, another year of our lives.  We thank You.  

We have feasted on Your bounty:  tomatoes, peaches and figs; strawberries and corn; lemons and oranges; greens of all shapes and flavors. We have filled our gardens with Your flowers, begonias, lantana, roses and grasses.  We have filled our hearts with their fragrance, our muscles with their tending, the earth with our care.  

We have been fortified by Your sunshine, waking in daylight and waiting for dark.  Each long day has been, is still, a gift.  If we haven't vacationed, we have memories of other summers, other years.  If we've stepped away from our jobs, our routines, thank You for the parts of Your world we have visited:  shore or mountain, city or town.  Thank You for our homes, that seem lighter in summer; our bodies that seem freer when bare.  Thank you for the summer memories our children create; they echo our own. 

If we can hike, we have.  If we can swim, we have.  If we can cook, we have.  If we can smile (and we can), we have. 

Thank You Lord for the summer of 2024.  Let us always remember:  You are the medicine.

Thanks be to God.  AMEN

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