Friday, August 2, 2024


Many of us recharge by doing something creative.  I have the nicest craft table that sits before a large window overlooking the courtyard and woods. It's just a metal table, not fancy, and it hugs the corner of our breakfast room.  When it overflows, I usurp the top of the buffet.  Sometimes I take over the old teak dining table as well, when I need to spread out folders and reorganize photos, pictures, ribbon, tools, etc., when seasons have mixed and Christmas is jumbled with spring. 

So many of us are creative in a sort of homey way.  Maybe we share, or sell, or maybe we just do and enjoy.  I am the latter.  My collage journals are for me; no one else would understand them.  Although I just showed my granddaughter her birthday page, my grandson his bon voyage page as he heads off to Scotland.  And I showed my husband our anniversary page and the one for our son who died many years ago.  I include my verse, sayings, textures and glitter.  You know.  

Then I found advice from creative women in Stampington, my favorite publisher.    

  • Fill your creative space with style and things of your heart. 
  • You are always two or three layers away from wonderful. 
  • Have a recharging station that consists of a journal and some basic craft supplies.
  • Every time you put a little piece of "you" into what you're creating, you connect with yourself in a way that only you can. 
  • A change of scenery can spark inspiration.
  • What we need:  simplicity of form, inspiring music and good light.
  • Leave out your creations.  Being able to see what you have been creating is healing and provides a point to build upon.
  • Let the things you add to your creation mean something, even if you're the only one who is aware of their meaning.
  • Stepping away from a project and just gathering can make us creative. 
  • Living an artful life--whatever that means for you--is essential to our spirit.  Travel, visiting museums, photography, writing, building, interior design and decorating, making . . . .
More to come.  All the Stampington publications are wonderful. I cut out pictures and words.  Also, The Simple Things and art magazines.  I cut up old poetry books, copies of Shakespeare's work, old Bibles.  All become part of my collaging.  

Let's have fun creating.                                 Nina Naomi  

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