Sunday, November 26, 2023


It's never too late to let something go, is it?  As we shop online and in stores and ponder all the complexities of the holidays, I'm thinking we'll have more lightness in our hearts if we let go of a few things.  Jettisoning some things is crucial to our well-being; some we ought to let go of are serious or self-defeating; some are plain useless and some just inconvenient.  But each takes a commitment to let go.  Here's my quick list of what I'd like to leave behind.  I bet our lists aren't that much different:

Fearing what the future holds

Spending excessive time looking at my phone

Desiring more things

Dwelling on the past

Rushing through life


Ignoring my inner voice

Feeling entitled

Expecting the worst

Needing to control

Needing to be right

Being uncomfortable with not knowing

Believing I am too old

Not liking my body

Getting involved in gossip


Judging others

If I can get rid of just a few of these, it will be a HAPPY HOLIDAY for sure. 


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