Friday, September 29, 2023


This day deserves a poem.

The goldfinch at the feeder, the purple finch nearby,

Flutter and song, some drink from the fountain

Gurgling, breeze and traffic as methodical as rain.

So clear and fresh a day, I look through the live oak out my window

Down to red tile, white stucco spread from west to east.

Later we drive up the mountain.

If you walk up this path, you can see the islands and the water, we are told 

And so we do, and come upon them, or just the outline on the horizon.

The shadowed islands across the Channel

And the sea, far away and down below.

This night deserves a poem.

From Arroyo Burro beach with tar sand and cavorting dogs

We line the cliff-backed rocks

To watch the setting sun, a sudden dip of gold into the sea.

The twilit sky gives way as lighted by the moon the watchers leave 

And beaches close (but do not sleep) till daylight comes.

But for the traffic, louder as the day unwarms, 

The sounds of mourning doves, of finches and their friends, quiet until daylight when their songs anew begin.

The live oak silhouetted out my window as I write,

While city lights fill the breadth of sight beneath the hills of Santa Ynez

And the sea not so far just out of view. 


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