Saturday, April 29, 2023


 The Boxer   [verse 4]

Now the years are rolling by me

They are rockin' evenly

I am older than I once was

And younger than I'll be;  that's not unusual

Nor is it strange

After changes upon changes

We are more or less the same

After changes we are more or less the same

. . . lyrics by Paul Simon

Why I love getting older and why you may too: 

I've learned how to find peace.  There are things I won't "get over" or forget. And no doubt more to come. But I accept what has happened and my emotions about it.  That's peace.  

I like being with people, but equally being alone. Although my husband and I are mostly at home together, we may each be doing our own thing apart. I'm especially happy outdoors on my own while he writes from his home office. 

I like most everything about myself.  Like doesn't mean admire but it does presage contentment.  I think that takes aging.  We've accomplished (or modified) our ambitions, we've reached (or rethought) our goals, we've become ourselves.  It's too late to "find yourself," but just right to "be yourself." 

No one else decides how I spend my time.  I can read to my heart's content.  Reread the classics. Indulge a true crime penchant.  I can take classes:  pottery, a history class on WWI, a webinar series on living Alcohol Free, a lay ministry class. I can blog.  I've taught myself to collage, the most hands-on creative I've been for years: washi tape, art paper, my own poetry and prose, stamp art, embellishments.  I'm proud of these collage journals, which are just for me. 

There's emotional freedom from stress. I wanted to be a lawyer since 5th grade and hold the years practicing in memory happily with no regrets. But I ran on stress. I wanted children since at least our honeymoon, but anxiety and child-rearing are daily companions.  As a grandparent, I embrace that easier role with gratitude and joy. 

The worry about saving for a house with more space, college or retirement is over.  Within reason we can do what we want, enjoy a meal out, grocery shop without tallying, and travel.  

There are other reasons I'm not focusing on right now.  Of course, the greatest is gratitude for living.  Long life is a universal goal, and I am officially too old to die young. 🙏 

Thank you, God, for my very life these many years.  I have come to appreciate it more as it lengthens. Give me the grace to accept whatever comes next and the feelings that are sure to follow.  This is my prayer for us all. 

Nina Naomi


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