Wednesday, February 22, 2023



Each day is filled with things that have never been.  It doesn't matter if every week you wash the same clothes or dishes or bathrooms as you did last week.  You are new, the world is new, our heart is different, our thoughts are evolving, the shadows are elongating, the moon is shining and none of it has ever happened before.  Look at the calendar.  Tomorrow has never existed before.  My candle is burning and tomorrow it will be different than it is today.  My little dog will be a day older and so will I.    

Tomorrow in my yard what are buds today will bloom.  Or what is in bloom will wither.  Or a freeze will come.  The little pain in my back that I woke with today will be gone (or it will be worse).  My fears will not have come to fore.  They almost never do.  I might in the night lose sleep because life is short.  I might today, which is Ash Wednesday and I sit here typing with ashes on my forehead commemorating that we are dust and to dust we do return, enjoy the leisure of a long uninterrupted day. 

It is wonderful that each day is filled with things that have never been before.  It is glorious that we change our minds, grow our faith, jettison old ideas, welcome new thoughts and people.  In our yard change is constant.  Branches fall from the trees, squirrels ravage my pot plants, weeds emerge and moss spreads.  Whole towering loblollies lose their tops in a storm.  New growth never ceases.  Cedars reseed like rabbits (of which we have few due to the vigilant hawks).  

All of these things are good.  We may be worried or mourning or fighting pain, but much goes on.  We learn to live with our worries.  We learn to be that person with great grief.  We even learn to shrink from pain and yet not shrink from life.  If we have faith, that guides us, lifts us.  We become no heavier than a feather to our God.  

Something good will happen tomorrow.  We know not today what it will be.  But we can wait with assurance that something, something good will happen.  It may not (will not) be a charmed reprieve, but each day is filled with things that have never been and that we can welcome.  Help us to see, Lord.  AMEN  

                                                           Nina Naomi

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