Friday, March 2, 2018


We think of nesting as an inside pleasure. But of course other species like to nest outside (except Wiggles who prefers his bed) and we can too. Both are good.  The Simple Things ( go-to, relaxing, inspirational, missing-the-UK magazine has a feature called NEST--Love Your Home Inside and Out.  It reminds us that this time of year is perfect for finding comfort in simple things like our own nesting places.  

Morning Place to Nest
Afternoon Place to Nest

Outdoor Place to Nest

My house is somewhat random minimalist.  Less to dust, less to trip over, more room for kids' cartwheels.  The afternoon chair is from a consignment shop ($69), the outdoor nest from Target and Home Depot.  Nothing to make me feel guilty (Post:  "Be Happy with What You've Got"). 

What's best about nesting is the time to relax and think.  (Well, not always. A child may want to play Old Maid or roast marshmallows by the fire.)  Thinking costs nothing.  It is the simplest of pastimes. Not repetitive dead-end thoughts (something that's over, that we didn't deserve, and can't undo), but thoughts that give energy and pleasure.  They can be reflective of what's good about our lives, or enjoyment of the very moment, or plans for a wonderful future.  I was thinking about what depletes my energy and what builds it and how to do more of the latter.  Your list may be similar.  What builds my energy is yoga, pottery-making, blogging, reading, working in the yard, cooking, being with friends, loving, planning travel, theatre, seeing new things, eating out. . . .Next nesting session I may work on how to do more of these.  

What do you like?  Tucking in your children?  Reading to them?  Being outside?  Singing?  Getting to know others?  Going to a party?  Dressing up?  Some people say it's important that we know our desires.  I bet that's true.  Nesting is a good start. 


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