Sunday, January 16, 2022



Pot of Thyme on Craft Table by Door

Finally, real snow in the Piedmont. Thank goodness no power outages!  We undecorated the tree weeks ago and put it outside sans ornaments.  It looks so cozy out there, the cold air keeping the needles fresh.  Shall I leave it up till Valentine's?  Then maybe snip the branches to use in the fireplace.  Last year the fire pit was such a staple of Covid outdoor get-togethers, we about wore it out.  

I hope you're warm and comfy where you are.  We have Florida family--no winter there; New Jersey family--winter frigid and long; St. Louis family--snow and ice (Midwest winters can be brutal); North Carolina family--a little of this and that.  On the North Carolina coast the sun drops into the ocean this month.  Friends and strangers gather on the beach at sunset to watch the magic, then drift off home for early dinners. We do it too when we're there. 

When we lived in a drafty Illinois parsonage the wind blew right through the walls.  This is factually true.  The temperature of the walls was only a few degrees higher than the outside air.  No insulation at all.  I would speed-dress the babies.  Best to be young in those conditions.  But here,  the snow makes the house a snug harbor. 

What do you like to do on a day like today?  Of course, if there are children, play in the snow:  sled on it, build with it, lie on it, tromp in it, throw it . . . .  Something besides shovel it.  Cold fingertips and toes often mean warm spirit and heart.  

Early Snowfall

But also a bit of light:  sunlight by day, moonlight after the sun sets, starlight and candlelight as the night deepens.  A comfortable chair, comfort food, something to read or watch.  Today is Sunday, a day for slowing down anyway.  Hopefully, if they're not snowed in already, even the hardest workers get a day off.  For many it is today.

Earlier this week our family had a health scare that did not materialize.  All is well, the tests said.  With my penchant for waiting for the other shoe, I was sure the news would not be a comfort.  But it was.  You know how it's said, if you're not depressed everything is enjoyable.  Well, that's how this snow day is for me.  I'm wishing for the same and more for you.  Happy winter!                  Nina Naomi




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