Sunday, November 25, 2018


Many of our worries are unavoidable, but some take time and energy that we could spend better elsewhere.  And some that are legitimate and valid we simply cannot solve, not on earth.  Mental illness in our family, for example. Denied and untreated. That I must turn over to God.  Over and over again, as I forget and grind against this sadness, I must turn it over to God.  Lay it at God's feet and ask for help and guidance. Lay it at God's feet and walk away.  What could be simpler?

Whether our faith includes God or not, we can also recognize that there are some things in our life we simply must back away from, and do that gratefully. There have been things in my life that I have turned over and they have resolved. Or they have not resolved but I have become more accepting.  I have asked for help and guidance and have received it. We can begin anew after almost every heartbreak I suspect. When that happens in my life I give thanks to God. We all have places to lay our gratitude. What could be simpler? 

Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) says that the important thing is not to think much but to love much.  How perfect is that?  Not to analyze, dissect, fret, project, but love.  What could be simpler? 

She says we have only one soul, only one death, only one life.  If we remember this there will be many things about which we will care nothing.  Again, what could be simpler than that?  

As  I am recovering from surgery this holiday season, I am not free to engage in anything hectic.  My holiday season is simple.  Maybe I can go to church this Advent, maybe not.  Maybe I can toast the New Year or, if still on painkillers, maybe not.  I don't know where you are as the Festive Season is in full-swing.  Minding children? Juggling work? Caring for someone sick?  Sick yourself? Planning dinner for the whole family? Navigating loneliness? On top of the world?  I think Teresa of Avila, Spanish saint and mystic, speaks to all of this.  What could it hurt to be closer to God?  Or to become simpler? What could be better than that?  Nina Naomi

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